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Posted on Tuesday, June 8th, 2004

Dave!Neil has posted a "twenty-seven questions" meme on his blog that's seems to be working it's way through the internet. In order to make it easy for those of you who are bored by these things to skip it, I've posted it as an extended entry.

1. Do you try to look hot when you go to the grocery store just in case someone recognizes you from your blog? I don't think it's possible for me to look "hot!" It never occurred to me that I would be recognized from my blog, but it finally happened when I was in Orlando at the Hard Rock Cafe there. It's very odd... be prepared.
2. Are the photos you post Photoshopped or otherwise altered? About all I do is adjust the contrast and saturation a bit in order for them to look their best on the web, then re-size/crop them so that all images are the same dimensions. For photos taken of myself from my iSight camera, I also convert them to black & white, which helps hide the grain a bit.
3. Do you like it when creeps or dorks e-mail you? Uhhh... I enjoy getting e-mail from people with thoughtful or insightful comments on something I've written (even if they are creeps or dorks), but the hate mail or really odd stuff is just annoying. If you don't like what I am saying, go read something else or start your own blog.
4. Do you lie in your blog? I try really hard not to lie any time. It brings you nothing but trouble. If I were in a position that I would have to lie in a post, I simply wouldn't post it. That being said, I have distorted facts a bit from time to time in order to protect the privacy of other people (or myself).
5. Are you passive-aggressive in your blog? I suppose. Sometimes I am aggressive and there's nothing passive about it! When I talk about shooting up cars with a gun, chopping people up with a light saber, lighting clown's asses on fire, or running over somebody with my motorcycle... it's just talk. It would take a lot in order for me to become violent enough towards others to actually do something like that.
6. Do you ever threaten to quit writing so people will tell you not to stop? No. That's kind of a desperate plea for attention isn't it? Considering I started this blog for just 4 people and I am now getting over 2000 unique visits a week.. that's more attention than I ever thought I would get in the first place. I'm not sure how many of those people would really care if I stopped, however.
7. Are you in therapy? If not, should you be? If so, is it helping? I am not in therapy and have no plans to be. While I am happy that therapy is available for those who need it and are helped by it, I don't believe in it personally.
8. Do you delete mean comments? I delete comments when they are particularly vulgar or hateful, are spam, or are advertising something. Do you fake nice ones? Fake comments? I hadn't even thought of it! If I have something nice to say in response to other comment, I will add my own comment, if that's what you mean.
9. Have you ever rubbed one out while reading a blog? How about after? I have no idea what that means. Is this some kind of British slang I'm missing out on? Rub out... as in delete or erase?
10. If your readers knew you in person, would they like you more or like you less? I would hope they would like me more, because I am much more charming in person than I am writing!
11. Do you have a job? Yep.
12. If someone offered you a decent salary to blog full-time without restrictions, would you do it? I suppose I could give it a shot, but the odds of something like that happening are remote. 13. Which blogger do you want to meet in real life? Does Elizabeth Hurley have a blog? There are quite a few bloggers I would like to meet in person... but if forced to choose, I would probably pick Adriaan Tijsseling so that I could thank him personally for the ecto blogging software that makes my blog possible. Since I travel to Japan from time to time, that may happen one day (while I was there, I might as well add Joi Ito and Jim O'Connell to the list).
14. Which bloggers have you made out with? Uh. None.
15. Do you usually act like you have more money or less money than you really have? Ummm... less? So many people are in financial distress now-a-days, it would be kind of cruel to act like you have more money than you do.
16. Does your family read your blog? I think some of them do from time to time.
17. How old is your blog? Just over a year now.
18. Do you get more than 1000 page views per day? For my blog alone, I seem to be getting around 850 page views a day (approx. 6000 a week). But that's a bit deceiving for calculating the number of unique visitors which averages around 300 a day (2100 a week). If I add in my Hard Rock Cafe site, my personal site, and my under-construction portal site (DaveCafe, DaveSpot, & DaveWeb respectively) then I do get well over 1000 page views a day. Do you care? I suppose I do a little bit, but tracking usage is not really a priority for me.
19. Do you have another secret blog in which you write about being depressed, slutty, or a liar? I was actually invited to a group blog that was created for exactly that purpose, but declined. This blog is more than enough.
20. Have you ever given another blogger money for his/her writing? No. While some blogs I read are certainly entertaining enough to pay for, I don't see that happening. I don't charge for mine... if they want compensation, they can read mine for free in echange! (ha!)
21. Do you report the money you earn from your blog on your taxes? I don't earn anything from my blog.
22. Is blogging narcissistic? For some people, I think it is. Whether it is for me, you'd have to ask people who read my blog.
23. Do you feel guilty when you don’t post for a long time? I post something nearly every day. If I couldn't blog, or didn't feel like it, I certainly wouldn't feel guilty about it.
24. Do you like John Mayer? I liked his Room for Squares album quite a lot, but didn't much care for the follow-up. As for liking him personally, I don't know him.
25. Do you have enemies? Unfortunately. Doesn't everybody? Seems like it is impossible to go through life without pissing some people off.
26. Are you lonely? Not really. But I'm not in a relationship right now, and find myself wishing I were from time to time, and that can be a bit lonely.
27. Why bother? Why bother blogging? Why bother answering these questions? Why bother living? I do what I do because it feels right to be doing it, and it doesn't seem to be hurting anybody.

Categories: Blogging 2004Click To It: Permalink


  1. kazza says:

    I’d care if you stopped! Yours is one of the better blogs I read! 🙂

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