Where did this day go? Seriously, it's coming up on dinner-time and it feels like I just woke up a couple of hours ago. I know I went to work, but I didn't get nearly enough done. Must be a Bullet Sunday.
• Pole! What is it with the latest fitness trends that keep popping up, disappearing, then popping up again? I'm seeing ads (once again) for POLE DANCING as exercise. I could make a number of smart-ass comments here, but instead I decided to buy a pole and get into shape! Off I went to Amazon to get an instructional video... and imagine my surprise when I found out there's a whole world of slutty exercise programs to choose from!
And now I can't decide if I want to learn exotic dancing, pole dancing, lap dancing, or bump n' grind strip-dancing. My gut instinct is to stick with pole dancing, but I'm thinking there's more money to be made in lap dancing. At least that's always been the case when I'm paying for it. Because, hey, there's nothing to say a guy can't earn a little cash while getting into shape.
• South Park! Last night I finally had a chance to pull out my South Park: The Complete 10th Season DVD set and watch my second favorite episode of the series ever: Make Love, Not Warcraft (my all-time favorite being Christian Rock Hard). In addition to being hysterically funny, the episode is just so incredibly well made. I'd go so far as to say that it's practically flawless. Anybody who hasn't seen it should definitely take a look...
• WOW! Included with my new South Park DVD set, there was a free 14-day trial for World of Warcraft. This is a really brilliant idea, because after having watched that South Park episode, I was in the mood to give it a try. I had played the original WarCraft games but, since I am not so much into the whole "online massive multi-player" thing, I never tried WOW. And now that I have, I know what all the fuss is about. It's pretty sweet!
This is me! I'm a Tauren Shamen, which I picked because he looks badass cool.
I use my mace to unleash my righteous fury on giant turkeys.
Then I figure out that I can shoot lightning, which I use to fry green pigs.
Oh shit! I'm dead!! I got my ass handed to me by a giant super-pig!
Oooh! The moon is all pretty and stuff.
For a while there, I was having me some fun... being all kick-ass by running around and killing giant turkeys and pigs and stuff. But then people started asking me to join their group every 15 minutes, and I didn't want to play anymore. I don't want to join a group. I'm busy all the time, and can't commit to playing with a group... I just want people to leave me alone. But I couldn't find a way to hang a big "DON'T ASK ME TO BE IN YOUR GROUP" sign around my neck, so I gave up and stopped playing. Oh well. Hopefully Blizzard will release Warcraft IV soon, so I can play alone. Of course, right now I'm more interested in Starcraft II, which is the sequel to my favorite Blizzard game of all time.
&bull Starbucks! I have written about the song I Love N.Y.E. by Badly Drawn Boy (from the amazing About A Boy movie soundtrack) a couple of times now (here and here). It's beautiful, magical, and I've always been puzzled as to why it was never nabbed for a television commercial. Well, somebody really smart in Starbucks' marketing department finally found it, and it's playing on a really cool animated ad for their calorie-laden holiday drinks (it's got penguins in it!). Beutifully done, Starbucks! If you're curious about this wonderful piece of music, you can take a listen at iTunes here.
• Ghost Rider! After goofing off with WOW, I capped off my evening by watching my Blu-Ray copy of Nicholas Cage in Ghost Rider. It's not a great film by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a fun movie to watch and has nifty special effects. The critics, of course, savaged the movie in their reviews (it mustered only 28% on Rotten Tomatoes), which is probably justified, but kind of lame since this was such an easy target. I mean, come on, it's got a flaming skeleton riding a motorcycle and Nicholas Cage in a hairpiece for crying out loud! At some point you have to just let go...
Besides, any movie that's got Sam Elliott and Peter Fonda in it can't be too bad!
And thus ends Bullet Sunday (though I've got a iTunes meme in an extended entry which was tagged me by James). Tomorrow I'm traveling cross-country, so my entry for Monday will be posted pretty late. For anybody interested, I'll be updating my journey throughout the day via DaveStalker™, so feel free to travel along with me if you've got nothing better to do.
The iTunes Meme!
How many total songs?
4749 songs (all legal!), which iTunes says is 14.5 days worth.
Sort by song title - first and last...
Aberdeen by Ari Hest and 1979 by Smashing Pumpkins.
Sort by time - shortest and longest...
Exit Stage Right by Badly Draw Boy from the About a Boy Soundtrack at 22 seconds, and Machines Take Me Over/Down Tools by the Thompson Twins (which is a remix of You Take Me Up from their Into The Gap album) at 11 minutes, 37 seconds.
Sort by Album - first and last...
About a Boy Soundtrack by Badly Drawn Boy and 101 by Depeche Mode.
Sort by Artist - first and last...
a-ha is first, and 20/20 is last.
Top five played songs...
Mercy in You by Depeche Mode, You Surround Me by Erasure, Higher Love by Depeche Mode, Breathe by Erasure, and Just Like Honey by The Jesus and Mary Chain.
Find the following words. How many songs show up?
Sex: 12, Death: 4, Love: 389, You: 721, Home: 22, Boy: 261, Girl: 85.
First five songs that come up on Party Shuffle...
Dangerous (Sensual Mix) by Depeche Mode, What I Like About You by The Romantics, Flamboyant by Pet Shop Boys, Return to Innocence by Enigma, and Souvenir by Orchestral Manoeuvers In The Dark.
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So can we expect a video blog when you have perfected your pole dancing routine?
1. i think lap dancing is more masculine than pole dancing. don’t ask how i came to that assessment; i just did!
2. the WOW episode of SP is definitely my favorite, actually. it may have something to do with my real life and knowing some of the people that the characters were modeled after but yanno….
3. speaking of which, i am one staircase away from asking how you can make it so that people cannot ask you to join a group. i know you’d never take advantage, but if you want, i can find out!
4. mercy in you? i’m shocked! winky winky!
Um…another one to try out…
Guild Wars. You don’t have to play monthly fees for that one. And it’s pretty freaking sweet. We just got it, and we’re fighting over who gets to play it next.
Either my brain went right into the gutter after pondering strip teases, or your party shuffle has a bit of a theme…
I’m more of a Finger Bang girl than a Faith+ 1 girl
that whole pole/lap/stripper dance workouts are a really good work out…so i hear.
Pole dancin’ Dave2. I’m waiting for the movie, or maybe the video game.
Safe travels.
Ghost Rider was hilarious. Some of it unintentional, but it was still a fun movie.
And, regarding WOW, have you seen the Mr. T ad?
Have you heard BDB’s four-track live session on iTunes? It’s fantastic!
Pole dancing? In your little small quiet conservative town? they’d kick your skinny lily white ass to Portland or Seattle before you had a chance to pop your first pole. On a serious note, I do have a friend in Australia who actually does participate in an organized, legitimate pole exercise program…and it looks like one hell of a lot of work.
WoW is one of the best games out there, but causes the worst kind of addiction ever. I stopped playing last spring, and I’ve been craving for it a lot lately. I might start getting the shakes soon it’s so bad.
Sigh…I miss WOW…I miss all my MMORPGs…
But it’s that, or blogging, I can’t do both. Not unless I give up sleep.
Of course, now that I am pictuiing you pole dancing, sleep may be a thing of the past anyway.
Oh, that was a scary moment. I have lost people to the nightmare that is WOW for years… literally years… One of them has just come back up for air – he was a serial ‘grouper’ though.
I played for a bit but, like you, got serious annoyed by other players constantly bugging me to join their groups.
I just started playing WoW two weekends ago. I had been on the fence for a while, but a friend finally pushed me over the edge and holy crap was I happy he did. My main character is a lady Undead Warlock – I love zapping wolves and giant bats with lightning.
And yeah, the group invites are a little annoying, but I’ve come to find that most of them are spam. You join their group, they shoot you some ridiculous message along the lines of enlarging your penis, only in Warcraft terms, and then they disband your group.
Oh God, I can’t stop.
Cage slips a little bit of Elvis in on us during Ghost Rider … and that’s always good.
I cannot do pole dancing. I look ridiculous enough huffing and puffing it out through a normal aerobic routine.
I don’t think my ego could handle looking ridiculous while pole dancing.
The guy you picked to play for WOW looks like the one William Shatner plays in his ad for WOW. Haven’t played it myself but shooting lightning looks like fun.
Got a kick out of the meme, so I lifted it for mine. Thanks!
i love a man who can give a good lap dance!
also one of my secret wishes is to have a pole installed in my house…still working on that one
You ain’t a kidding about the WarCraft group thing. My son is a member of a group and sometimes I’ll ask him to do something (like eat dinner) and he’ll claim he can’t because he has to finish whatever the group is expecting him to finish before he can leave the screen.
Man, if I told my dad that when I was a kid (provided we had a computer that is), my Etch-A-Sketch would have been the nearest thing to a screen I would have had left.
I can’t believe there was no Li’l Dave Pole Dancer illustration. You’re slipping, so to speak.
My kid had a WoW subscription but we canceled it because he prefers playing Warcraft III online multiplayer for free. They are very different games.
And the SP/WoW episode is pure genius.
That SouthPark episode is second only to Scott Tenorman Must Die. And I definitely enjoyed Ghost Rider.
Wow… (pun intended) It’s been a while since I joined a 12-step program to cure my online RPG addiction, but those screen shots made me drool. Get thee behind me, Satan!
Be careful ! Pole dance is very dangerous… Look at it :
As a WoW junkie, I’ll just tell you that my grown kids got it for me for Christmas a couple of years ago and I’m hooked. However, we created our own group that is mainly our family and all our alts, plus a few friends… and we play very low key. If we want to do group things we can and if we don’t, we don’t! Having the guild name on you makes people quit asking all the time, tho’…
(Just let me know if you want to join. LOL!)
i honestly think those striptease exercises would be the only kind of exercise I’d actually get off my ass and do. I’m such a slut.