From the past, what's something that's ended which you wish hadn't? The show Cupid, starring Jeremy Piven and Paula Marshall. The best television program ever to air. May the executive at ABC who was responsible for this travesty burn forever in the fiery pits of hell. Oh, and by the way... Jeremy Piven had BETTER win the Emmy for his role on HBO's Entourage. Classic.
From today, what's something that's gone on too long and you wish it would end now? The obvious answer is the Bush regime, because I sure wouldn't be crying if that evaporated tomorrow. But ultimately, I think it's a tie between Microsoft Windows (Vista?!?) or reality television shows... both of which suck ass.
For tomorrow, what's something you wish would never end at all? Coke with Lime. I stopped drinking soda for years, but now that I'm addicted to Coke with Lime, I think that I would die if the Coke people stopped making it.
FQ FINALE: Visit the FridayQ Archives, and revisit an old favorite with new answers, or pick a favorite you missed to answer new. My favorite of all FridayQ's was the fourth one from June 25th, 2004. They were all downhill from there! (Link to my original answers)...
Lie about where you spent your last vacation. Scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef with James Cameron as he did research for his next film: Aquaman.
Tell an untruth about your last romantic encounter. Elizabeth Hurley and I made passionate monkey-love in a Tuscan Villa after she ironed my shirts.
Fib about the last gift you received. Dale Chihuly sent me a piece from his latest glassworks collection. It's a beautiful fluted "seaform" piece in blues and greens.
FQ DARE: This time tell the truth on all the above! My last vacation was two days ago, when I spent 3 hours in HersheyPark. My last romantic encounter was so long ago I don't even remember. The last gift I received was chocolate-covered peanut brittle.
Thanks to everybody who played along with the FridayQ.
.. it was fun while it lasted!
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Just a quick stop by to say “Hi Dave” and thanks for all the Friday q’s. I will miss them, personally. I enjoyed doing them. Even though I have not been around much lately (not my friggin’ fault! Nexgentel should DIE!) and will be travelling for three weeks starting next week.
I miss my little blogiverse…I miss the ‘net!
Coke with Lime, mmmmm. I, too, am enslaved to this product. Although, Starbucks Green Tea Frappachino is currently giving CWL some competition for my affections.
I’m sad that I’m such a latecomer to the meme party, and to FridayQ. But that’s that price I pay for my previous blogocentrism.
Aww no more Friday Q ='( will miss it, even though I hardly ever did them! Quote is of Brick from Anchorman!
I so wish Cupid would come out on DVD, especially since it doesn’t seem to be available on any torrent sites.
I’ll miss the Friday Q as well. I haven’t done it in a couple of weeks, due to a combination of being busy and lazy.
Damn. Now what am I going to do when I don’t feel like thinking up new posts