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Posted on Friday, December 24th, 2004

Dave!Thanks to miraculous technology advancements in blog syndication (and my inability to sleep more than 4-5 hours each night), I read an awful lot of blogs... 112 at current count. Fortunately, many of my favorites don't post every day, so I can actually have a life outside of reading them. If you have a good feed reader, you can easily organize people into groups, which makes me happy because I just love to categorize people. For instance, here is my group of "Blogs Written by People So Insane That Their Psychological Impediments Make for High Entertainment Value..."

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If your in that list, I'm just kidding... this is actually my list of "Coolest People on Earth" (and if you're not on the list, then rest assured, it really is "Blogs Written by People So Insane That Their Psychological Impediments Make for High Entertainment Value").

Anway, since I don't have to be to work for an hour, let's take a look at a slice of my own personal Blogosphere shall we?

  • Annette over at More Than Words has unlocked the secrets to the universe. In a twist of cosmic karma, the last comment on my blog was written by this self-proclaimed "Queen of Stupid" (which is really odd because I didn't even know she knew I existed... unless this is a BlogExplosion drive-by).
  • Tonya at the ever-excellent Adventure Journalist is dreaming of organizing a cruise to Alaska (or an adventure to the produce section of the local grocery store for those of us who can't afford it).
  • Karen at Kazza The Blank One is waxing poetic over strange videos running late-night, and has found a Depeche Mode tune just for me!
  • Kirkkitsch over at My So-Called Strife is taking a ride on the Bi-Polar Express(!) and pondering all things holiday.
  • Oooh... Scott Andrew LePera is promising to play more live shows in his semi-new home city of Seattle, which means I may actually get to see him perform next year. Now that's something I am going to look forward to, so thanks Scott!
  • Jim O'Connell of Wirefarm fame asks "How Many Places Have You Lived?" Since most of my moving around took place when I was very young and my dad was in the Navy, I'm not exactly sure what the answer would be. I'll have to flag this entry and go back and comment once I've got it figured out.
  • Bow. James Bow. is driving to Des Moines for the holidays, and then goes on to explain that the reason we have warm weather and no snow here in my home town of Cashmere is because Ontario has borrowed our weather!
  • Awww, look... Neil just updated his blog and is wishing everybody a Merry Christmas.
  • Brandon over at DOWN WITH PANTS! is relieved his Pho Shizzle joke is still intact and then goes on to write about the perils of looking like Fred Durst. All I can say is that I'd rather be mistaken for Fred Durst than an even bigger no-talent assclown known as Kid Rock. About the only "famous" person I've ever been mistaken for is "Crack Addict #2" from the movie Trainspotting which was a bit depressing until I realized that it could have been worse... I could have been mistaken for "Crack Ho #2."
  • Patrick at Strang's Blog looks to be prepared for a happy holiday indeed!
  • Mr. Jerz reveals his bias against all things Canada, which appears to stem from a deep hatred of Canadian-Rules football. I comment that I have a senseless bias myself against lame-ass "Painter of Light" Thomas Kinkade. His insipid "works of art" which are devoid of even minimal levels of artistic merit. It really frosts my cake that he's so popular, and I don't know why.
  • Jeff over at Geekable posts a disturbing story of one ignorant person's crusade to ban a book she's never even read. Classy indeed!
  • e-Dennis mourns the passing of the most excellent Dead Like Me but then rejoices in the news that the next Harry Potter book has gone to press.
  • Most enticing post topic of the day has to go to Jessie Sarah at One Before for "Leto's Bilocating Padre Pio."
  • And lastly, for a while I thought Kirk was kidnapped, but then surfaced to post a bizarre story of somebody dying from a tooth extraction and has disappeared again. One can only hope he hasn't been taken hostage, been brainwashed by a cult, or killed by a rabid Koala Bear.

And with that, I now have 10 minutes to get to work!

Categories: Blogging 2004Click To It: Permalink


  1. annette says:

    “People So Insane That Their Psychological Impediments Make for High Entertainment Value…”

    That sums me up! 😉

    Great stuff going on here!

  2. Dave2 says:

    re: “People So Insane That Their Psychological Impediments Make for High Entertainment Value…”

    In this world gone crazy, that’s pretty much the highest compliment I can give somebody! My personal blog is in the “People So Insane That They Should Be Considered Dangerous!” folder. Hey, if nothing else I am honest with myself.

  3. Neil T. says:

    Yay for being a Person So Insane That Their Psychological Impediments Make for High Entertainment Value!

    From my experience, ‘Merry Christmas’ is more popular than ‘Happy Christmas’ over here but there might be regional variations. Certainly Christmas is quite merry in my household 🙂

    Anyway, hope you have a good day today 🙂

  4. kazza says:

    Gosh that’s a lot of blogs to read! I’m starting to think I should read more, as only 3-4 of them post regularly anymore. It’s still strange to me that you read at least three blogs because of me! heh 🙂

  5. scottandrew says:

    Thanks for the link…got a favorite venue I should be looking into playing? I need all the advice I can get!

  6. Dave2 says:

    Somebody with YOUR talent should be able to play wherever they want!

    I’m over the mountains and three hours removed from the Puget Sound music scene so, unfortunately, I am not a very good source for venue recommendations. My two favorite areas for live music are Pioneer Square (near where my work is) and Ballard (near where some friends are).

    But, to finally see you play live after all this time, I’d gladly drive to Tacoma if I had to! I travel a lot, and seem to keep missing your shows. But now that there will be “More Live in 05,” I’m confident next year will finally be my time!

    And while I’ve got you here… any plans for “American Thing” and “The Sandlewood Sessions” to be released at the iTunes Music Store? 🙂

  7. *AGK* says:

    So. I don’t care that I’m not listed. So what? No biggie. If I cared, I mean, really, that would be petty. So, I don’t care. Not at all. Not…*sniff, sniff*…at ALL!

  8. Dave2 says:

    Bwah ha ha haaaah!

    Actually, your blog IS in my feed reader, I DO read it (as you know!), and should be on that list. You are absolutely insane enough, have no fear!

    It was a bit of a mystery as to why you weren’t in that folder… until I remembered that you used to have TWO blogs I read. When you merged them, I had to change things around, and you were left in my “resources” folder.

    But now it’s all fixed! You are once again a “Person So Insane That Their Psychological Impediments Make for High Entertainment Value!” So, uhhhh… congratulations?!?

  9. Sarah says:

    So who is this Jessie person and why is she posting to my weblog?

  10. Dave2 says:

    I – have – no – idea.

    Obviously there’s a reason that I am in the “People So Insane That They Should Be Considered Dangerous!” folder. 🙂

    P.S. Are you sure you weren’t a “Jesse” in a previous life or something? I am very psychotic psychic about things like this!

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