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Posted on Saturday, October 4th, 2003

Dave!Let's see... Vampires vs. Werewolves? Cool. An ancient blood feud that comes to a head in modern times? Very cool. Kate Beckinsale in skin-tight latex beating the crap out of people and shooting everything in sight with automatic weapons? Off-the-hook cool. The movie Underworld, which features all three? Laughably bad.

Kate Beckinsale in Underworld

What in the hell happened that such an amazing concept could be ruined so resoundingly? Well, with the exception of Kate, who looks amazing and plays the brooding bad girl perfectly... the acting is just over-the-top bad. Every character tries to be kind of an intense psycho-goth, but ends up funny instead. On top of that, it appears that budgetary constraints must have not allowed for decent special effects, because everything kind of has a retro-1970's look that is also funny. And now I read they are working on a sequel... so I hope they get the money to do it right, because a great vampire vs. werewolf film is something that has been missing in my life (I get women in skin-tight latex beating the crap out of me all the time).

Categories: Movies 2003Click To It: Permalink


  1. ryan lang says:

    the movie underworld is weet
    when she kills the wolf with her guns.
    they should put a gun called assult michine gun
    with a grnade lutcher with it.
    and some exploding bullets.
    well I have the two movies
    I don’t get it how come theres no nudity on the first one only the scond one that sucks.
    how come her eyes go green and go blue why don’t they stay blue.
    can you please tell her to contact me please at

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