Well this blows.
As I attempted to finish up my Spring cleaning, I threw my back out while moving some boxes...
Now I don't feel much like cleaning anymore. On the contrary, I don't feel like doing much of anything.
And how has your weekend been treating you?
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Ouch! Back pain sucks!
In the midst of doing all the normal crap we do every weekend, we were moving all last week and I am living out of boxes right now. Add to that we dropped a desk on my knee and there ya go. Hope your back feels better soon!
Back pain is awful. Moving, sneezing/coughing, yawning, deep breathing, it all hurts it even more. ugh! Lots of rest/ice/heat/drugs and hopefully your back feels better soon. I split the side off my pinky toenail yesterday and bled all over the house… Awesome! Wearing a pinky toe band-aid just isn’t right.
About the same.
Chose to relax and enjoy the kids yesterday, with intentions to take care of a weeks worth of life chores today.
Woke up with my neck and shoulders completely locked up. I can barely move. Heat hasn’t helped. If I take a pill so I can move I won’t feel much like getting shit done.
Busted up and blah.
Shit that sucks
I’ve done that a few times as well and it’s no fun at all.
Our weekend was ok, did some shopping. Yesterday was Queen’s Day over here and we went to a friend’s place who was returning from California. Their entire garden was ripped up because of piping problems last year and was a big dirty muddy mess, so all their friends and family put together almost 700 euro and completely redid their garden while they were away as a surprise. It was amazing to see how happy they were when they saw it!
My lower back has been a bitch for about 8 years now. I struggle with it every single day. We’re getting old.
Oh that sucks! My weekend has been all about errands and figuring out my new camera. I really should be spring cleaning because the living room is done but I still have the bedrooms and office to tackle. Boo.
Oh no! I hope you feel better!
Poor Dave! I hope it feels better soon!
This back pain thing must be going around. Although I know what caused mine (moving servers all weekend).