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Caturday 361

Posted on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

Dave!Jenny, whom I love more than potato salad, is turning into a cranky, bitter, judgmental creature. Which is to say that she's a cat. Whereas her brother is quite a bit more easygoing, she gets to be more of a demanding little princess every day. Which is fine by me, because the more of a personality she develops, the more I love her for it.

This past week Jenny was sitting next to me getting petted. Jake, experiencing sserious FOMO hopped up on the couch and climbed over her so he could sit on my lap and get petted also.

Jenny was furious.

She hissed and ran off.

Around ten minutes later I look up from my phone as I'm petting Jake and see Jenny sitting opposite staring at us...

Jenny, blurry in the background looking at Jake and me.

But she wasn't staring. Not really...

Jenny, glaring at Jake and me.

Look at that face! She was glaring at us. Dang was she salty.

Then, last night, I was petting Jenny on my bed waiting for some laundry to finish drying. Again Jake decided that he wanted to lay on the bed too. He hopped up, flopped back on his back as he always does, which resulted in him rolling into Jenny, which she did not like one bit. I mean look at that face!

Jenny, irritated that Jake backed into her.

She did not like this disruption at all, even though I never stopped petting her. Eventually she got up and repositioned herself so that Jake wasn't touching her.

Maybe not a princess... probably more like a queen.

And her majesty was not pleased.

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Categories: Cats 2024Click To It: Permalink


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