Contact Rage-a-Saurus
Yo! It has been just over a year since I finally started to find the success that I knew I was capable of. But success, even modest success, brings the unwelcome intervention of others who feel they know best how you should proceed with new endeavors. The business side of me is a realist who understand the prudence of giving people what they want. Yet the creative side of me longs to find new realms to explore.
I have been around the world and beyond. My mind is brimming with ideas both above the earth and below it. So which do I choose? DaveSpace has shown me the future, perhaps the answer is in the past? Where do I go from here?
I feel that I am near a turning point in my work, and it all hinges on my next decision. Am I ready to give up my day job? Am I ready to devote myself to this fully only to risk a flop yet again? How much more do I have in me? I wish I knew.
I sense that I am on the verge of something great, yet past failures haunt me.
In the meanwhile, I try not to think of it... and move forward.
Many thanks for your kind wishes on the pending birth of our third child. I think that Emma is ready to be done with it straight away, whereas I am content to have the month's time so that I can finish up this newest project! LOL! :-)
Yours most sincerely,
P.S. I think that I shall go mad if I should sign into my DaveSpace a single new day and find Tom still there on my page. For 327 entries... 544 days... 1 year, 5 months, and 25 days... I have endured this indignation of false friendship. I can do so no longer. Were it in my abilities to cross the expanse of time and bitch-slap that mocking smile from your face, I would do so without a moment's hesitation. My only recourse given the near 100 years which divide us is to document your treachery for the ages, and I shall find a way. Bite my ass, you monkey-spanking prick.
From: LadyDoc
From: Solitaire007
It's lovely that there's a new addition to the family coming! Please do keep us informed, and give my best to Emma!
From: MinnieMouse
I loved what you did! I say you tell your day job to sod off and then follow your dreams! :-)
From: Eck
From: Full_Hizouse
My last endeavor died a slow death, but there's always another gig, and I've got a choice one now. Don't worry about the day job and focus on what's important... the rest will work itself out. Peace!
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